Friday, September 23, 2016

Hola Amigos! 
We started learning Spanish with our older 7th and 8th grade buddies! We reviewed what we remembers from Junior Kindergarten. 

Getting acquainted with our new buddies!

The other Mrs. Wagner teaching us Spanish

singing a name Song with actions! We are birds names Paco

Happy Birthday to Aaliyah!! We celebrated her birthday on Tuesday and got to sing Happy Birthday to her in Spanish with an older Amigo who also celebrated a bday this week!

 Making our own Nibbles, the Book Monster!

 Homecoming parade! Mr. Hill, the Phy Ed teacher found some old pom poms from school and gave it to the Elementary kids to use at the parade. You will see that they got to take them home! The high schoolers also threw candy to us...LOTS of candy. We each got to pick 3 pieces and the rest will be distributed throughout the year for random activities!

 Meet Nibbles (pictured above) he is a book monster who eats holes through books, jumps in fairy tales, and changes the story up. We had fun predicting what he was doing and discussed how he made the stories change. (Stories like GoldI locks and the 3 Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Little Red Riding Hood. )Annika had a great idea to make their own we did! :)

 We found a cute little frog when we were lining up to go inside after recess!

This week in our literacy we were talking about families. We talked about how every family is special in their own way. Some are big, small, live close together, live far away, etc. We drew a picture of what we like to do with our families! :)

 We learned about how to keep our bodies healthy: eat healthy snacks, wash our hands often; especially after bathroom, coughing, sneezing. Also covering our mouths when we cough or sneeze, use tissues, exercise, and lots of sleep!

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Sometimes we get to take a break from our math book and play games that work on our math skills!

Watercolor painting is so fun and relaxing! We are painting our responsibility posters, which is the character trait we are learning about for September with the Guidance counselor!

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Library and scholastic books

We had our first Library class with Mrs. Grauman. Every week we will have a media class and then check out books. Please read it with your child and then it needs to be returned before the following Tuesday so they can check out a new book!
I also sent home some Scholastic Book Order catalogs. The class code is listed at the top of the attached letter sent home in your child's folder. Don't feel obligated to purchase any, however any orders earns us class points to build our classroom library! 

Alphabet bingo! Good way to practice our alphabet! We also played it with the letter sounds instead of just naming the letter.

A new center we added is the "pokey pinning center". There will be different letters, pictures, and eventually sight words that we get to poke through paper with a thumb tack to make a design!

Matching picures that have the same beginning sound!

Journal writing is an everyday activity!

Read to self on comfy chairs!

We also get to be detectives and use magnifying glasses while we read. We will be searching for sight words next week on our books!

Monday, September 12, 2016

September characer Trait: Responsibility

Our new school counselor, Ms. Hofacker, came to our classroom to talk to us about what character traits are. She showed us clifford and asked us what we know about clifford. Just like we have physical traits, we also have characer traits inside of us. Our job this month is to practice responsibility!Throughout the month if we get caught showing responsibility we earn a character trait ticket and it gets announced over the the PA system for everyone to hear!  

Sunday, September 11, 2016

All About Me

Morgan is sharing her All About Me Bag! We learned that she loves horses!

Aaliyah is sharing her bag. She has many favorite stuffed animals.

Jocelyn sharing her bag.

Every morning we start our day with some songs and one of them is a numbers song. We think this one is so cool because the numbers get REALLY big!!
On Thursdays after lunch and recess, we get to buddy up with a 5th grader and they read us stories they pick out for us from the library. Eventually WE will get to read to THEM!
It's always pretty fun when you have an older sibling in the 5th grade class!!

working in our monthly journals!

We are so excited to be able to learn how to write! We read this story about how a dog named Rocket didn't know what to write about or even how to write words. It took alot of practice and once he knew the letters of the alphabet and they sound he put the letters together to make words. He wrote about things that he was thinking about!

Oliver is sitting in our Author chair and sharing the picture he drew. In our journals, part of the writing process is drawing pictures. Right now we are drawing pictures of things we are thinking about and writing the beginning sound of the word that describes our picture, or we sound out as best we can. 

Every week we get to go down to the computer lab! This week we got to play on Tux paint! It was a lot of work just trying to learn how to type in our username and password! Eventually we will be learning some new programs that will help us with our learning!

We are good at sharing computers, when technology isn't on our side! :)

Mrs. Kossman's class comes in our class throughout the day, and this time it was for our Second Step program. We are learning about the skills for learning and how to be a good listener. We got to draw pictures of how we are going to use our skills to be the best learner we can be!

Jocelyn was super excited to be able to read a book she has been practicing during her read to self time to the class! Pretty soon we will ALL be able to read some words in a book! :) Nice job Jocelyn!