Friday, September 23, 2016

Hola Amigos! 
We started learning Spanish with our older 7th and 8th grade buddies! We reviewed what we remembers from Junior Kindergarten. 

Getting acquainted with our new buddies!

The other Mrs. Wagner teaching us Spanish

singing a name Song with actions! We are birds names Paco

Happy Birthday to Aaliyah!! We celebrated her birthday on Tuesday and got to sing Happy Birthday to her in Spanish with an older Amigo who also celebrated a bday this week!

 Making our own Nibbles, the Book Monster!

 Homecoming parade! Mr. Hill, the Phy Ed teacher found some old pom poms from school and gave it to the Elementary kids to use at the parade. You will see that they got to take them home! The high schoolers also threw candy to us...LOTS of candy. We each got to pick 3 pieces and the rest will be distributed throughout the year for random activities!

 Meet Nibbles (pictured above) he is a book monster who eats holes through books, jumps in fairy tales, and changes the story up. We had fun predicting what he was doing and discussed how he made the stories change. (Stories like GoldI locks and the 3 Bears, Jack and the Beanstalk, and Little Red Riding Hood. )Annika had a great idea to make their own we did! :)

 We found a cute little frog when we were lining up to go inside after recess!

This week in our literacy we were talking about families. We talked about how every family is special in their own way. Some are big, small, live close together, live far away, etc. We drew a picture of what we like to do with our families! :)

 We learned about how to keep our bodies healthy: eat healthy snacks, wash our hands often; especially after bathroom, coughing, sneezing. Also covering our mouths when we cough or sneeze, use tissues, exercise, and lots of sleep!

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