Thursday, December 15, 2016

Santa came!!

We were just DYING to know what our big surprise was! We went to library like we usually do on Wednesdays, but this time, we sang some Christmas songs and SANTA came!!! We all got a chance to sit on his lap and tell him what we wanted for Christmas! He said we were all really good boys and girls! Mrs. Claus even came with and she told us all the good things she saw us doing not only at school, but at HOME TOO! 

We got to sing Christmas carols with Santa and Mrs. Claus like Jingle Bells and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

Then Santa wanted to hear us sing some of the songs we are singing for our Christmas concert on Friday!

Mrs. Graumann, Mrs. Pagelow, and Mrs. Wagner all got to sit on Santa's lap too!!

At the end Santa gave us a basket full of candy canes!!

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