Thursday, October 13, 2016

The Little Farmer!!

What a beautiful Fall day we had at the Little Farmer! It was a tad chilly since the sun didn't want to come out, but all in all a great day! BIG THANK YOU to the parents, grandparents, and friends that joined us in the "muddy mess!"

We started the day with a picnic lunch at the Farm!

We found the BIG "hayground"  which we liked to refer to it as to play on! (playground made of hay)

Oliver had crazy hair from his hat on the way back to school!

"Queen" of the castle?!

Annika had fun running around!

Grace was all about the pictures!

NO WAY, a hidden slide!?

Cheesing for a picture before the monkey pile at the end of the slide happened!

Some of us thought the smaller hay playground was better... maybe because it had less kids?!

HAPPY moms on the trip! Thank you so much for joining us! :)

Jocelyn and Aaliyah

Getting ready for the spooky hayride!

Mrs. Wagner needs to work on her photography skills ;) 

Kindergarten teacher selfie... why not?

The HAYRIDE WAS SO SPOOKY!! WE SAW EYEBALLS AND SKELETONS ON MANY TREES! Katherine said she counted 48, Annika said she saw 53, and others said they counted MORE!

We were given instructions once we got to the pumpkin patch that we could only pick a pumpkin that was the size of our heads or smaller AND we had to be able to carry it ourselves! 

It SURE was MUDDY!! But what a fun experience! Carly even got her shoe stuck in the mud and Mrs. Wagner had to lift her up so her socks wouldn't get muddy! 

Oliver found his pumpkin!

Field trips are always fun when our moms get to join in on the fun!

Its even cooler when our NANNA'S get to join in on the fun too! Grace, Jocelyn, and Aaliyah got to have 2 fun adults to hang with!

Trudging back to the wagon with our  HEAVY, MUDDY shoes!

NEXT, we went into the BEE Barn where we learned how the bees pollinate the flowers to make our apples grow! We learned that honey is actually bee spit... but don't worry its still good!

We got to go up and see live bees and watch them busy at work with all the honey they are making! We had to try to find the Queen Bee, who was marked with a red dot. She is the one responsible for making sure the bees know what to do. 

We got to wear some cool glasses to see what the vision looks like for the bees when they were flying around! Makes you dizzy!

Very intrigued by all the bees! These are friendly bees and they don't sting us!

Learning about the apples. To pick an apple we had to turn it 3 times and lift up. 

mmm they taste soo yummy, especially right off the tree! Before we could eat it, we had to wipe off the white bloom that was left on there and shine it up!

We love apples!

Next we went to the grading room inside the apple house to find out what happens to the apples before they go on the sales floor. They get washed, polished and sorted by A- they are good enough to sell, B- they get cut up to be made into the apple pies and muffins, and C- they get sent to Sheboygan where the apples get pressed into cider!

Not all apples look alike. Some look like MICKY Mouse!! 

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